Acquisition and CapEx financing for the transformation of the former KARSTADT headquarters

TA2 Essen

The property

Our client purchased a building complex in Essen-Bredeney in 2016 which was occupied as company headquarters by KARSTADT, the seller and future tenant. A long-term lease with KARSTADT was concluded as part of the original acquisition process. A 30-year lease with the North Rhine-Westphalia State Police was signed in March 2018. The occupation of the property by this new anchor tenant required significant investment in the tenant fit-out. We were instructed to source both purchase and CapEx financing.

Facts & figures

Property name TA2
Address Theodor-Althoff-Strasse 2 in 45133 Essen
Submarket Bredeney
Asset class Office
Year of construction 1975
Lettable area 91,000 sqm
Owner Joint venture
Activities Purchase and CapEx financing: sourcing & execution
Mandate period Q1 – Q2 2019

The challenge

The lease contract with North Rhine-Westphalia State Police was a solid basis for the sourcing of both purchase and CapEx financing. In this case, there was a problem with a unilateral option for KARSTADT to significantly expand its occupied space (>20,000 sqm). At the time the financing arrangement was concluded, it was not yet clear whether KARSTADT would exercise this option or whether an alternative tenant could be found.

The construction volume to be financed was unusual for a project of this size, which posed something of a challenge with the tenant fit-out and restructure for the police despite outstanding tenant creditworthiness, as the principal aim was to obtain a financing structure as flexible as possible.

The tools

Business Plan

Financing memorandum

The result

Building Value: The positive results from Real Estate Finance for TA2

Oceans and company case karstadt vogelperspektive
    • Successful conclusion of senior purchase and CapEx financing with a German commercial bank
    • The financing structure enabled a highly flexible drawdown depending on construction progress
    • KARSTADT exercised the unilateral option and became the principal tenant in the building with around 60% of lettable area